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These might include special characters or units and other special rules that are only available to that particular sub-faction. The populations genetic purity must be maintained, in order to conserve those qualities that serve the Space Marines purposes best. The Salamanders are not swift to determine a course of action, and slower still to change their minds once they have decided. Fleet-based Chapters makes their homes on vast space-going vessels. A Hive World, for example, may be an ash-blasted wasteland or its rearing spires might form islands of plasteel amidst an endless sea of jungle. As a result of this change in organisation, the Space Marines' military purpose changed as well. Horus Heresy: How to Build a Narrative Army. Feral worlds are those planets colonised eons ago, long before the Age of Imperium, which subsequently regressed to atavistic barbarism due to extended periods of isolation or other, less predictable factors. It is a religious madness that is often expressed with valor and fearlessness on the battlefield, but it can also turn the Battle-Brother against all creatures touched with the psykers gift, be they friend or foe. Abe Apfel. On some of these worlds, the Space Marine Chapter forms the very highest tier of a stratified and regimented society entirely focused on martial pursuits, where all aspire to the example set by the Adeptus Astartes. It is likely that many Chapters have been created with a specific role in mind, whilst others have been founded due to a general increase in the activities of the Emperor's numerous enemies. Should either of these occur, then the Imperium is likely to launch an attack of its own, forcibly ousting the warring parties and installing a new Imperial Commander more likely to maintain the status quo. The Imperial Fists are one of the First Founding Chapters of the Space Marines and were originally the VIIth Legion of the Legiones Astartes raised by the Emperor Himself from across Terra during the Unification Wars. Wars of secession, fought between rival factions each believing themselves the rightful heirs to the rulership of an Imperial world, reduce entire planets to wastelands even without the actions of hostile invaders or rebellious elements. On different worlds, different weapons will be used, or sometimes none at all as the combatants are expected to pummel, gouge and throttle one another bloody. Some Exposure Trials test the Aspirant's fortitude in a specific environment. Some Trials are far cruder; the Aspirant is simply administered some powerful psychoactive concoction, often distilled from the venom of local predators or the sap of rare plants. Within this specialisation there exists some variety, which is usually derived from the nature of the Chapter's gene-seed. Warhammer 40k. Because Feral Worlds are rough, primitive, and untamed, their inhabitants invariably provide excellent recruits. Warhammer 40K Wiki WH40K Wiki Fluff-Fan (French) Wikihammer 40K (Spanish), Alternate Universe Warhammer Wikis Astartes are always male, even from the time of the Great Crusade when they could turn anyone into a marine. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki:How to Create a Homebrew Space Marine Others might seem so at first glance, but with a little imagination can be combined. The hunt may last days, weeks or even longer according to the conditions of the Trial and the weapons the Aspirant can either find or fashion for himself. This instability may have been the "Wulfen" gene that manifests itself at times in the Space Wolves themselves, most obviously among the Space Marines of the Chapter's 13th Great Company. Space Marines are foremost amongst the defenders of humanity, the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind's warriors. The indexes were subsequently replaced by a new series of codices. If the Death Eagles are indeed descended from the Emperor's Children, it would explain why their true origins have been purposely obfuscated. The fun is in joining up these disparate points, or changing them as you see fit to create a Chapter you can be proud of. Codex: Inquisition (6th Edition) - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum All images and instances on this website used without permission. Many, even brother Astartes, find the Dark Angels aloof and uncommunicative. Long-settled planets are riven by pollution, the toxic waste of thousands of years of industry seeping into the very bedrock and raining from the skies in a constant downpour. While all Chapters detest mutation in all its forms, some take their values to such an extent that they believe that the Space Marines alone are the true inheritors of the Emperor, that they were made according to his perfect vision and that mere mortals (everyone else) are utterly inferior. Driven to extremes of violence by the pressures of Hive World living, these merciless killers are usually ignored by the authorities. Thus, the blood offering is made and the victor led away to join the ranks of the sky warriors. This is both disappointing and extremely lazy. In practice, they take no hand in the affairs of their subjects. No Imperial organisation shall be permanently attached. Although there have been cases where certain Chapters have a lower incidence of these twin flaws compared to the Blood Angels or their fellow Successor Chapters, the cure for these genetic deficiencies are nigh impossible, and even eluded Sanguinius himself when he was still alive. In general, the Successors of any given Progenitor share a core body of beliefs and practices, but even this is not always the case. Though this was done at least once, when the Adeptus Mechanicus secretly Founded the Steel Confessors Chapter by utilising the gene-seed of the Iron Hands. Many of the Imperium's wars have escalated over the centuries, perhaps starting out as mere backwater rebellions before developing into full-scale wars engulfing entire sectors and involving every possible arm of the Imperium's military. Because they tend to recruit from a variety of sources, Fleet-based Chapters are more unlikely than any other type to inherit the ways of the communities it recruits from. Chapters that specialise in the tactic tend to maintain highly mobile forces, eschewing heavy firepower for manoeuvrability. These traditions come with a rigorous adherence to honour and burning hunger for glory that can lead a Storm Warden to make reckless decisions to uphold the name of his Chapter and earn himself renown among his peers. Even before a new founding is announced, entire generations of Imperial servants may have toiled in preparation. Rules as written: These are the latest 40K 9th edition codexes Orikan the Diviner A Chronomancer of most prodigious skill, Orikan is a prophet who has not forgiven Szarekh for submitting to the will of the C'tan. Many aspire to the qualities displayed by the creature, displaying related motifs in their livery and titles. After the invasion of their icy death world of Fenris, the First Battle of the Fang occurred between the two rival forces. Each Primarch then set up their Legion's headquarters on his homeworld, from which they also recruited new Space Marines into the Legion. Some Chapters specialise in this tactic, honing it to perfection so that the first and last thing an enemy sees of the Space Marines attack are the black contrails of dozens of drop pods streaking through the air, and Battle-Brothers disembarking inside his lines to gun him down with ruthless efficiency. In many cases doing so would deprive the Imperium of a truly invaluable asset, for Feral worlders are by definition amongst the toughest and most accomplished it is possible to recruit. but that very fact makes them less suitable as a recruitment source for the Adeptus Astartes than many other types. Most Chapter names have two such elements, broadly speaking an adjective and a noun, but a huge scope for variation exists. When fighting in defence, the Space Marines identify the point the enemy is most likely to assault, and hold it come what may. Many simply awaken in an induction-cell, with no knowledge of how they got there or what awaits them. Like their founding Chapter, the Crimson Fists are more than willing to fight to the last, holding their ground with a siege-like mentality which will see them triumph or die in the attempt. The name associated with this Chapter say to reader that a particular theme is quite obvious (Can you say Spartans?) Equally, an army of rebels or secessionists may have seen its more fanatical members killed off or martyred in the initial battles, but continue to fight because to surrender would be to face the inevitable vengeance of the Imperium's justice. Note that while plenty of these terrain types can be In the aftermath of the purge, there is likely to be a period of severe oppression in which thousands are put on trial and executed. Very few defenders can withstand such an attack, and it is not uncommon for the entire chain of command to collapse when the upper echelons are attacked in this way. There is no subtlety to such landings. In most cases, the predators in question are autochthonic beasts native to the world, but sometimes they have been deliberately introduced in order to retard the culture's development, ensuring that their every moment is a fight for survival and cultivating the most promising recruits possible. Battle-Brothers, and so ultimately, units such as armoured vehicles are always deployed in support of the Brethren. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki | Fandom Home The web's #1 page for unofficial Warhammer 40,000 fanfiction! Even once the process is underway, it is likely to be at least a century before the new Chapters are ready to take to the field. The adjective and noun can also be reversed, as is common amongst Blood Angels Successors (such as "Angels Encarmine"). home world? Others have no interest in the actual process, only the outcome. In times of outright war, the Space Marines may take direct control over the world's military, sometimes even despatching its officers to serve as generals amongst the lesser armies. The battle-brothers of the Raven Guard Chapter launching a lightning assault. If a Carcharodon were to lose his grip on sanity, these traits would likely amplify with unpleasant results. Should the home world face invasion, the Space Marines may revert to direct rule for the duration of the emergency, or at the very least have the power to issue grand strategy to the worlds indigenous armies. Sometimes the duel is fought to first of blood, other times to the very point of death. As they become unstable, they begin to mimic the sullen nature of their Primarch before his mysterious disappearance. A map of the 40k galaxy I created as a commission for a friend's personal Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum Regiment Codex, which the planet callout box in the bottom left relates too. Coming from a dnd background which has homebrew galore, I'm surprised that 9 months into this hobby and I have yet to see a homebrewed codex. As an example, listed below are some well known First Founding Chapters and their beliefs: The Chapter holds the Primarch of its Progenitor at the centre of its belief system, venerating him above all others. The Aspirant may be plunged into a trance-like state during which he is subjected to all manner of horrific visions or irresistible temptations. Please, choose your destination,,000)&oldid=1135307938, War Zone Charadon Act 1: The Book of Rust. In all likelihood, all but the world's ruling classes are unaware of the Imperium at large. Sometimes the flaw is linked to a nigh-catastrophic genetic malfunction, Some even utilise tactics and weapons inspired by the manner in which their totem creature fights or hunts. While most Chapters take little part in the affairs of the population of their home world, some involve themselves to varying degrees. Snipers become the lords of the battlefield, able to strike down enemy leaders, heavy weapons crew and tank commanders foolish enough to expose themselves to their all-seeing scopes. Scrimshaw is considered a solemn undertaking to the Astartes of this Chapter. One thing that sets a Chapter apart from another are the individual pieces of equipment that the Chapter prefers to carry into battle. What is the predominant terrain type of the Chapters Following the end of the Heresy, Guilliman, as the new Lord Commander of the Imperium, ordered during the event known as the Second Founding that the remaining Loyalist Space Marine Legions be divided and re-organized into smaller one-thousand Astartes Chapters, to ensure that no future rebel such as Horus Lupercal could gain control of such a large and power military unit as a Space Marine Legion again. They abhor pretension and despise politicking. The two tables presented below provides some ideas for the various elements of the name should you need some inspiration. All codices were rendered obsolete by 3rd edition Warhammer 40,000. The opposite of the Close Combat doctrine, Chapters focusing on ranged combat prefer to gun their opponents down with overwhelming firepower. This Founding occurred right before the Great Culling (020.M37), in the early-M37. Adam Harrison. Targets are selected so as to cause maximum disruption of enemy command and control nets, with precision strikes called against leaders and communication nodes so that once coherent armies are reduced to disparate masses of uncoordinated and utterly demoralised mobs. Battle-Brothers of a Chapter proudly display the symbol by which their parent Chapter is known on their left shoulder pauldrons. He will undoubtedly still bear the scars of the duel, and by them others will know of his ferocity and skill.