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After 2 rounds, if not wearing sunglasses, a character suffers temporary blindness for 1D10 rounds (impose one penalty 50 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS CTHULHU (Great Old One) I have found numerous representations of Cthulhu, each fashioned by hands whose minds were touched by some aspect of the Sleeper and, consequently, each differs by degrees. Seemingly, the Unspeakable Ones appearance is fluid and apt to appear differently to different people. See Absorption, page 229. Most of what we know rises from the pages of Ludvig Prinns De Vermiis Mysteriis, which contains a discussion of the entitys adaptation to human belief systems while hinting at its possible nature as an advanced or mutated lloigor. While its beaked maw was like a set of serrated blades. While we see elements, we are unable to understand its true and full form. While the link is mental, it also has a physical aspect that corresponds to the health of the avatar they follow. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: APHOOM ZHAH STR 350 CON 500 SIZ 400 DEX 100 Hit Points: 90 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: n/a Move: 18 Combat Attacks per round: 1D4 (cold strike) or 1 (ice touch) May send forth flaming tendrils of cold to strike down those in its presence or touch them to cause flesh to freeze. The mouth was toothless and maw-like, while its face contained no eyes, and the skin overall was festooned with curious growths, boils, and other lumps. Eihorts servants may be mind-controlled humans or aliens, conglomerations of its brood, or individual maturing broodlings. Crush (mnvr): tentacle-like arms shoot forth to coil around the target, who suffers 19D6 damage while being transformed into crystal (their body shattering like glass). With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Prison or paradise one might conjecture, but the truth remains beyond the grasp of humanity. Not just ranging the void, this immense entity commands enough power to destroy worlds, and most references agree that it was Ghroth who caused the death of the planets Yelithka, Mormol, and Shaggai, as well as being the thing that forced Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg to flee toward Earth. Encounters Most encounters concerning Yig will come via interaction with the Old Ones followers, who are often an organized and competent foe. Mike Mason, 2020 THE JOURNALS OF SIR HANSEN POPLAN Scattered throughout this volume are excerpts from the journals of Sir Hansen Poplan, the noted researcher, who in his own words said: My studies began with investigations into the nature of a deity named Cthulhu, arising from certain records I was party to in respect of a spectacular shipping accident in the Pacific Ocean in early 1925 related to the freighter Vigilant. Of course, there are some who describe Tindalos as nothing more than the atoms of Azathoth given form, wrapping such theories into the common belief that all things begin and end with Azathoth. Those under the influence of Atlach-Nacha or its daughters may draw investigators into some form of contact with the deity. At a cost of 100 magic points, Trunembra may emit a devastating sonic blast strong enough to inflict 1D100 damage to living things, and able to twist steel, crumble foundations, and topple some buildings (only magical means may protect listeners); for every 100 magic points invested increase the damage by +1D100. Tales describe Gnophkehs as being entombed in ice in the Northern Hemisphere, possibly in Iceland or, more likely, Greenland. Regenerates 1D10 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). Check out our current HeroQuest products. Human cults to Zathog do not exist or are exceedingly rare, with those who know of the Old One being wizards and curious Mythos scholars. Although not going into too much detail, Swan muses that such beliefs may have been carried down the years within some particularly closed communities in England and Germany, and possibly transported to the Americas by settlers who held on to the Old Ways (he even remarks that the introduction of wild boar to North America may have some connection to these beliefs). Swarms may be driven off by totally submerging oneself in water or other liquid, or by spraying with a fire extinguisher, pesticide, or other chemical (be aware that some sprays may have adverse effects upon the victims health). Command Animal or Plant: grants the ability to give simple commands to animals or plants; animals may serve to guard or attack, while plants may be ordered to rapidly grow, perhaps to barricade a door or enclosure, or to form a barrier, and so on. Colleagues able to somehow provide help with the puzzle (perhaps gaining some level of insight from another Mythos deity) may try to implant this new knowledge into the victim with a successful Psychoanalysis or Hard Psychology roll (or via magic), which may raise the level of success for the puzzles solution beyond one percent at the Keepers discretion. Impaling weapons deal minimum damage. Considered to be a minor Old One, Nyogtha may not yet be fully mature and its powers yet to completely manifest, which may explain its ability to partially or temporarily transport itself to Earth while seemingly unable to leave its cave in Yoth (forgotten Elder Wards may play a role too, but that remains speculative). If successful in this endeavor, the petitioner is granted knowledge of the Keepers choosing (suggest using the Augury spell as a template for this). Aura Apart from the nightmare visions this avatars arrival causes, its presence is also signaled by an icy wind that seems to blow from the stars themselves. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: ZU-CHE-QUON STR n/a CON 500 SIZ 300* *SIZ varies; may be as small as 100 to over 300. Grimoire Of The Necronomicon. Often, such visualizations misinterpret the entity as the manifestation of gods such as Cybele, Gaia, Pan, and so on. ", "Jaw-droppingits exquisite art and its refined text make it one of the most striking publications of the current edition. In this manner, the Old Ones and Outer Gods may not be able to withstand this threat, or through it die and be reborn in a horrific melding of the inner, outer, and extra-dimensional realms. It is said that the deitys arrival caused the oceans to boil and tumultuous tidal waves Ghizguth Cult A little-known deity that has no known human cult, although speculation exists that small coastal communities may hold Ghizguth in some regard. And here we find Nyarlathotep. Powers Appearance: the Red Queen may alter her appearance at will (within the confines of a human frame), adjusting her APP to any degree (a range of 15 to 99). What does it feed on (magic points, POW, other characteristics, flesh, blood, etc.)? If I were to guess, my list of favourite games is almost 400 gbs 1 tb. In time, when all their Sanity is gone, the King calls them to Carcosa, where they remain until they shed what remains of their humanity and they become something other. Yet, more probable is the notion that Mythos gods operate and manifest across numerous dimensions simultaneously; thus, the human mind can only sense a portion of any given Mythos being, with the human brain attempting to conceptualize what portions it is aware of in familiar terms. For most scholars, their conception of Hastalk is often wayward and imprecise, likening the entity to a disease and failing to understand that, rather than a contagion, Hastalk is a mutating force. Certain scholars connect this entity to Tsathoggua, Ghizguth, and Hziulquoigmnzhah as their progenitor, although such familial relationships are ultimately guesswork. Working and corrupting from within, these Shub-Niggurath cultists used their positions to effectively create and operate a secretive inner-cult where they could worship in undiluted fashion. Fighting Tendrils (mnvr) Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Powers Idol Manifestation: over the centuries a number of statuettes of this malign entity, hewn from an unearthly gray-green stone, have been discovered. At the heart of everything, such individuals become adrift from society and lose their moral bearings, embracing the King in Yellow and desirous of seeking Lost Carcosa. Far better may be a connection to Bugg-Shash, as claimed in the Cthaat Aquadingen. While wounds and illness are apparently healed and cured, their flesh becomes withered and bleached, marked with numerous milk-whiteyellow spots or growths that continue to grow in a cancerous fashion. Among the voormis still living are many who tend to Tsathoggua; their ministrations including supplying their god with sacrificial food and so forth. In tracking down Mythos lore, tomes, and artifacts, characters may unwittingly contact and refer to members of the Daughters of Dust. Curious about the difference? Yu-mengtis, the vile one Sanity Loss: 1/2D10 Sanity points to witness Yu-mengtis manifest through human possession; 1/1D10+1 to encounter Yu-mengtis in human-like form; 1D6/4D10 to encounter the Old One in its true form. Until humanity is able to send a probe equipped with the right technology to investigate these stars the answers will remain unclear. Mike previously worked for Games Workshop as the Line Manager and co-writer of the ENnie Award winning Warhammer 40,000 RPG Dark Heresy. If the task is self-harming or would harm a person close to the enthralled mind, the victim may attempt a Hard POW roll to resist that action, although they remain under the deitys control. All cults of Ithaqua seem to share the practice of flesh eating, with some including cannibalism. Mind Touch: at a cost of 5 magic points, Aphoom Zhah may touch the mind of an individual seeing the entity (most likely through a telescope). Aura Proximity to this deity and to cult ceremonies are likely to confront the senses. The Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck - Most will be initially amazed and then horrified with the gigantic scale of the web, even more so when AtlachNacha and its children make an appearance. The Edwardian rock collector, Howard Longbridge, is believed to have written a journal concerning a series of messages he believed were transmitted to him in dreams. Bolt: deals 1D10 damage plus it adjusts the age of the character by +/ 3D10 years (use a Luck roll to determine whether age is advanced or deducted); skill values remain the same (INT and EDU are not affected); effects of aging may apply (per Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook, page 32); if reduced to zero age or beyond 140 years-of-age, the character dies. bullets) attacks; mundane weapons rapidly age (rust, crumble, break) when they touch Quachil Uttaus. Clothing is burned through in one round, while equipment and mundane weapons may be affected with rapid corrosion rendering them useless (the Keeper may call for a Luck roll to determine if a particular item is affected); enchanted weapons may be resistant. The lore surrounding these artifacts is vague and sometimes contradictory, but most seem to agree that they could play a role in certain ceremonies designed to temporarily or permanently free the Great Wind-Walker. Fighting 100% (50/20), damage 1D8+1D6 Skinning Gaze: costing 1 magic point per target, the Skinless Ones gaze can cause a persons skin to slough off their bodies, like loose clothing. See Truth: able to see through any disguise, rouse, or other obfuscation to reveal the truth, including seeing into minds to discern the truth of words or the general mindset of a being. According to rumor, one unnamed person was successful in this endeavor, with Yegg-Has remains now ensconced in a secured vault somewhere. Entries for the monsters have been tweaked, edited, updated, and corrected. Claims by some researchers have posited Hastalk being the accelerating factor in certain outbreaks on Earth, such as the Bubonic Plague of the 14th century or the great influenza pandemic of the early 20th century. 132 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS with those in Zul-Bha-Sair offering up all of their dead to the Charnel God as appeasementin fact, it is considered heretical not to do so, even for non-Mordiggian followers. If successful, the target is ensnared by the tendrils, which have a range of 6 yards/meters, causing them to be held firm. Ghoul lore the movement of time by +1D10 minutes). The name "Cthulhu" was purely an invention of Lovecraft's. AboutPressCopyrightContact. According to the Ponape Scripture, Idh-yaa joined with Cthulhu to produce the entities known as Cthylla, ZothOmmog, and Ghatanothoa. Possible Blessings Given the insentient nature of this entity, its ability to bestow powers on others is probably non-existent (at the Keepers discretion). Others call into question such reasoning, citing that to view matters in such simplistic human-centered terms is reductive. Monstrous Avatar Forms Ahtu Beast, The (also Faceless God) Black Bull (also Black Lion) Black Wind Bloody Tongue Crawling Mist Dark Demon (also Pazzuzu) Dweller in Darkness Father of Maggots Haunter of the Dark (also Fly-The-Light, Sand Bat, Lrogg) Kruschtya Equation Messenger of the Old Ones Small Crawler Wailing Writher Energy Blast automatic, damage 20 points Armor None. Where the distance is greater, add +1 magic point to the cost for each portion of 10 miles (16 km) distance; thus, if 50 miles (80 km) away, the cost would be 5 magic points. A full moon is particularly beneficial. POW is determined as 3D6+5 multiplied by 5 and ignores the hosts own POW value. Victims may attempt to escape with STR or DEX roll at Extreme difficulty. Such beings know their time is coming to an end, but do all they can to squeeze out another day of existence, sometimes manipulating the lesser species of the cosmos to stymie or battle the forces and agendas of the Old Ones and Outer Gods, who will eventually grow more powerful on a scale incomprehensible to humanity. Historically, Gol-goroth appears to have been a popular deity in pre-human society, with numerous effigies or obelisks raised in its honor. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Some Robert E. Howard elements may be in the public domain. Other names: Abhorrent One, the Consumer, Feasting Thing, Vile One. CTHUGHA (Great Old One) A vast sphere of flame, sending forth burning fingers and spitting scorching torrents of fire. Note that anything touched by Cthugha may catch on fire; if an investigator, call for a Luck roll to determine if clothing and/or hair catch alight (causing 1D6 damage per round until put out). Certainly, it would seem sensible to summon Azathoth in a less devastating form; indeed, the appearance of Xada-Hgla comes without Azathoths usual attendant coterie of servitors. Tickets cost 24 - 35 and the journey takes 50 min. All other teammates must be careful not to damage the Monstrosity by more than 10% because you won't be able to complete the Penance. Maybe, Bast foresees a time, perhaps when the stars are right, when humans and cats will play some role and become useful tools for the Elder Ones in their dealing with other cosmic beings. Now, move your hands toward it and allow the quivering flames to touch you, for only in your total devotion shall you come to know Aphoom Zhah! At times, my research has taken to me to some dark places and the results have driven me to distraction in attempting to draw connections and conclusions. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. Reaching zero CON, the victim dies. Leech Fire: all fire and other sources of heat and light are extinguished upon the arrival of the Charnel God, leaving the area deathly cold and still. Such dreams are so vivid as to provoke a Sanity roll upon waking (0/1D2 loss). This apparently formless entity may inhabit trees and plants, but may also form flesh from such vegetation and soil to take a satyr-like form, from whence its name comes. Membership, infiltration, or examination of such sects is likely to uncover associations with this pair of aquatic deities, and may uncover the hidden extremes of human sacrifice and the possibility of a personal appearance from either Dagon or Hydra. Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 to 3D6 Armor Varies; from none to a 6-point hard shell. The Old One may manifest only if the correct sound is made and continuously played, with the entity immediately departing if the sound is stopped. Like any rot, a single small infection can soon grow and multiply to consume and overwhelm the host. Toad-like and bulbous, its corpulent and scaled flesh sagged in rolls nearly hiding its hindquarters while rising itself upward on two hooved legs. As such, cultists often bear scars of injuries and bite marks. The Journal of Enda Foley (a single volume, said to be housed in the Trinity College Library, Dublin) may provide 60% (30/12), damage 6D6 40% (20/8), damage 1D6+2 Armor 15-point carapace. For details concerning spider parasites see the box nearby. Over millennia, such Elder wards either faded or were removed, piece by piece, until their power was lost, releasing the chthonians and their god to roam and nest within the Earths interiorthis happening sometime during the 10th century (according to Wendy-Smith) although older tomes suggest a far earlier period before the advent of mammals. Apart from bodily concerns, the appearance of a portion of Aphoom Zhah will cause damage to building structures, rendering materials so cold as to weaken them permanently. A Hard POW negates this effect. A pure thought-form of anger that builds and festers until it must be released to destroy. GHATANANOTHOA (Great Old One) Mind Burn: may send forth a flaming tendril to wrap around anothers head and consume their memories. Cult The Cult of the Vile One is perhaps the most insidious and cruel manifestation of Yu-mengtis worship on Earth. Comes the Yellow King! Fighting Consume (mnvr) Roll (mnvr) 100% (50/20), damage 3D6 100% (50/20), absorbed (see above) 100% (50/20), damage 6D6 Armor None. The tome goes on to say that great care must be employed with such dire undertakings lest the summoner become the focus of the creatures attention. Gary Sumpter: Ythogtha. Sometimes, a single child of Yig is sent, more as a warning, which, if ignored, is followed by a mass of snakes. (causing 2D4/2D10 Sanity loss). Something like oil given crude shape. Fire would kill the ichor, though the victim also suffers 1D6 burn damage. The full rite requires the performer to be cleansed and then bathed in the Tikkoun Elixir, part of which is drunk at the moment of commencement. The victim may escape this fate by cutting their way out (if able to inflict 10 damage) or making themselves indigestible or otherwise awkward to eat (as determined by the Keeper, this may involve a Hard INT roll or other suitable skill Crush (mnvr): the Old One rolls or hops its bulk to crush opponents within 10 yards/meters (up to four people may be targeted if they are close together). Possible Blessings The Eye: the follower is blessed with an extra eye that grows in their forehead. The text includes a number of symbols or icons believed to be used as brands or marks worn by the Star Demons followers, and shows a twisting-circular symbol that is drawn/made by adherents to call Ossadagowah down. Evidence suggests this Old One originated on Yuggoth (Pluto) and later traveled to Earth (some three million years ago), establishing a domain in what is today Alaska. Working to undermine and then take control of all manner of groups, societies, and cults, the Daughters are known to employ any and all tactics, from blackmail to murder, to achieve dominance. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Cults to the Dark Mother appear to have existed during the Hyperborean age, and it is said temples to this entity were raised in Mu, Sarnath, and Kn-yan. Here, we note that Janith was able to survive an encounter with Mguleloc as she was at the time hidden from view, due to some enchantment of invisibility bestowed by an artifact she calls the Sphere of Confusion. While scholars continue to debate the nature and existence of the Sphere of Confusion, its effect of turning its user invisible seem to have saved Janiths life, as when Mguleloc could find no sustenance after it has eaten Old Paul ( Janiths manservant), it departed back from whence it came. Only the criminally insane or those who would seek the destruction of the planet (perhaps the same thing) would knowingly attempt to turn Azathoths dreaming mind toward Earth. Vortex Attack: a type of implosion, sounding like the roll of distant thunder. To some extent, Carcosa appears to be a living reflection of the King, waning and waxing at different times in tune with the status of the King. Encounters The entity abhors light and only manifests during nighttime hours or in areas of total darkness. In folklore, such offspring have often been described as changelings (theWechselkind of German lore, the Boginki of Poland, and the Bortbyting of Scandinavian legend, to name but three), with such unexpected births attributed to fairies and evil spirits. Combat Attacks per round: 1 per target (smash, crush, stomp) Using its immense size, it may strike, crush, or stomp all opponents within 100 yards/meters. Tusks grew from either side of the tentacle, while two webbed and tentacled ears flapped, giving the thing a curious semielephantine aspect, although clearly, it was no relation to those noble beasts. Rather than acting as a conduit for the corruption of Carcosa to spread, this avatar seems to act as a herald or voice of the Unspeakable One, appearing to foretell of calamitous events or pass on cosmic wisdom to the chosen. Play with the newest version! WW2002. Once INT reaches zero, the victim becomes lifeless and will die in 1D2 hours if hooked up to some form of life-support in this time, they may continue to live in a comatose state. Be not caught by its writhing and boneless limbs lest you become wrapped in the darkest night and choked of life. Whether any truth lies within this notion remains a mystery. Damage: provides a single instance or may be applied per round (assuming damage type is in constant contact/effect per round). Historically, the term Wendigo has been used as a name for Ithaqua and for those touched by the Old One. Note that Ghatanothoa can control this power, allowing others to see it without being affected by the curse. Hastalk, bringer of change Sanity Loss: 1D4/1D8 Sanity Points to encounter Hastalk through a microscope. Once overcome, the victim cannot break the spell, requiring others to hold them fast and negate the magic; possible methods for this include spells, taking the victim far from the source of the sounds, knocking the victim unconscious (on waking, they may attempt a new Hard POW roll to be free of the music), or causing harm to befall Zoth Syra / Yoth Kala. If venturing to Yian-Ho, a person would feel an almost electrical buzz in the air emanating from the sphere containing these deities. 246 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS ZOTH-OMMOG (Great Old One) paraphernalia, and the cult may seek to know Cthulhu through Zoth-Ommog. Encounters This avatar appears to come and go freely, at times answering summons or appearing in place of Yog-Sothoth. For them, the petty and limited confines of humanity are a prison, and they seek ways to break free. He lives in Langley, BC, Canada, with his wife. They remain alive despite their corrupting frame and, according to some accounts, cannot be killed. Those possessed have their STR, CON, and DEX characteristics increased by +50 points, while POW rises to 500 (Nyarlathotep has full use of spells and other powers at the Keepers discretion). For the present, it seems content to grow its army of undead servants, sending them forth to obtain rare crystals and other things, although scholars have (as yet) been unable to decipher a pattern or motive for these acquisitions. As yet, such conflicts have appeared rarely on Earth, although one might say is it only a matter of time before they do Aforgomon, master of time Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter Aforgomon. malleus monstrorum the trove natural fibrin removal Within 3 miles (5 km): 1/1D6 Sanity point loss. Nothing a cultist says should be taken at face value. Typically, this Outer God appears as a great cloud possessing eyes, mouths, and limbs, but has also been known to take on a more physical and monstrous form of a multilegged lizard-spider-like thing. Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 4D6 burn Armor None. (Unique Entities) Powers Vibrating Hum: Zoth-Ommog emits a constant humming sound from within its mass that causes humans to be perceptible to delusions. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 4D6 Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), held then crush damage 9D6 The Haunter of the Dark Armor 10-point extra-dimensional flesh. All accounts do appear to agree on the fact that when Yig manifests, a mass of snakes heralds its arrival. DEX 40 Combat Attacks per round: 1D4 (tentacles) or 1 (crush) Uses tentacles to strike and grab, or its bulk to crush. Fleshy body within the shell (partially exposed in the gap between the two shells) has no armor and may be targeted with penalty die. Regenerates 20 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). There remains the possibility of certain Mythos races, such as the Great Race of Yith and the elder things, possessing an awareness of Pharol. Call Of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum Pdf 33 - Cult Few humans worship Zu-che-quon and what groups exist are disparate and unconnected. In this regard, Hastalk is a dormant agent waiting to be called to action. The skin is oily and moist, coated in something like sweat. The result will probably be messy, but should also be memorable. On land, the avatars cults provide a tangible and real threat to anyone who happens to come upon their strange communities, be they in uncharted territories or hidden away in dark corners of otherwise civilized nations. Healed of injury: hit points recover to normal maximum value, while major wounds spontaneously heal. it is said the Great Spinner is willing to bestow magical knowledge (spells) and other gifts to those it finds worthy, although some form of sacrifice or gift is expected in return. Those surviving fulfill the needs of their primal and mindless sire; no two spawns are exactly alike (use Ubbo-Sathla, Brood of as a template for these). Used with permission. In striving to banish or imprison the Old Ones, we humans may think them as allied or affectionate toward humanity, but can we believe these Elder Gods would look upon us any differently to the Old Ones? If reduced to zero hit points, Nyogtha drains into the ground, leaving behind an acrid smell. For our older stock, not every product is in every warehouse. Something like a huge and bloated, coiling mass of entrails, eyes, and worm-like growths, all dripping with bloody ooze and brown-yellow discharges. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: TULZSCHA Magic POW: 75 Magic Points: 15 Spells: Animate Flesh Thing, Augury (variant), Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Call Forth the Worm, Contact Ghoul, Contact Human (variant), Deaths Breath (variant), Embrace of Yog-Sothoth, Touch of Decay; others as the Keeper desires. The victim may attempt to break free with a STR or DEX roll at Extreme difficulty; colleagues may assist by using their STR to reduce to the difficulty of the roll or if able to inflict 8 damage to a tentacle arm (penalty die to target the limb), causing the victim to be released.