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re: I needed to stop yogurt after 30 hours. I assumed that it was due to cross contamination, I then started sterilizing my tools and now my yogurt just doesnt form at all. I'm making Bulgarian yogurt for a long time. Thanks for the report, and thanks also for bringing up, re: but a blood test showed my red blood cells a bit out of whack. Also my yogurt device is a crockpot express brand and only says low or high for temperature, it doesnt say how many F it uses :(, mrojas_76 wrote: Can I use only cream or has to be half and half?. Would a tablespoon a day do it? ________ Blog Associate (click for details). direct from the US distributor (Everidis), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3084715/, Run that cycle unless you know you dont need to. Subsequent batches, made from saved-off solids or whey fraction of first batches, usually take on a more homogenous consistency. ________ Blog Associate (click for details). He is Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of Realize Therapeutics Corp. that is developing innovative solutions for the disrupted human microbiome and author of the book Super Gut. Take care removing it and allow the water to drip into the water bath, instead of your bench.14. In medium to large bowl, combine contents of 2 capsules, sugar or prebiotic fiber, and 2 tablespoons of half-and-half or other liquid. Hillary Anderson wrote: You can set the temp and time for either 6 or 8 hrs.. re: but it morphs into a cottage cheese consistency I dont like.. Half and half isnt available in Australia, so, in our first L. reuteri yogurt post,we did our best to recreate half and half by combining full cream milk and full fat pure cream. Just yours, or was only yours tested? Don't stir the mixture while it is fermenting, as this increases separation. Dont stir the mixture while it is fermenting, as this increases separation. Enjoy a daily serving of probiotic-rich kefir, yogurt, or vinegar-free sauerkraut. I used that culture with 2 tablespoons potato starch and a quart of half & half in a yogurt maker set to 100 degrees for 36 hours for my first batch. Both my wife and I have noticed our hair getting thicker which is great but a blood test showed my red blood cells a bit out of whack. The CEC recipe is going to make a yogurt, and not a progurt, so to speak. Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more . Their business arrangement with Biogaia may preclude it. Listen to Dr. Davis Defiant Health Radio podcast on your favorite podcast source: Buzzsprout, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora, iHeart Radio, TuneIn + Alexa and others. Above ideal, it also tapers off, to an irrecoverable cliff which is reportedly 122F (die-off). strains together as one ingredient, that means the oil cant be more than 33% of the 700mg (233mg, and is likely a whole lot less). I have read that resistant starches are where when consumed the oats behave as fiber and not a carbohydrate. I see you make it in a regular pot from your pots & pan so you seem to heat your dairy (to 180?) Iused to routinely run my L.r. So adding more tabs is a waste of money, and definitely wont fix any instances of contamination by unwanted species. Ive been pulling off cup for this, which may be more than is needed. But this is how I did it: 1 quart of organic half-and-half (or cream, whole milk, canned coconut milk, goats milk/cream, sheeps milk/cream) 2 tablespoons inulin (or unmodified potato starch or other prebiotic) 10 tablets of BioGaia Gastrus, crushed. What is causing this? ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). It was so thick that it was almost pointless to strain it for the excess whey. I have made many batches that turned out great, so I am really disappointed. Id like to know if it is OK to combine the two yogurts in the same container for refrigeration? Just move the knob to some position that holds 110F and put a mark there. A portion of your first jar of L. reuteri yogurt the mother batch - can then be used to re-inoculate your next jar of L.reuteri yogurt. What if you could dramatically improve your body composition, balance your hormones, and even reverse the signs of aging just by eating one little food?My wife, Alyson and I already made a couple of batches and can't believe the difference in how we feel, and it's only been a couple of weeks.So what is it?It's a very particular type of yogurt, replete in scientifically proven strains of probiotics that you can whip up right at home.Today we're here, once again, with one of our very favorite doctors in the whole wide world, Dr. William Davis.Dr. Lactobacillus reuteri from the whey strained from each previous batch. Most people do it right away, while the batch is still warm. http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh253/Gyrobob_theOriginal/Healthy%20Stuff/yogurt%2001b_zpsr8ymlvfv.jpg, http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh253/Gyrobob_theOriginal/Healthy%20Stuff/yogurt%2001c_zpsrbaaz8op.jpg. Davis started his own wheat-free experiment and asked his overweight, diabetes -prone patients to do the same. Ayogurt maker is apt to have the same myopic tunnel-vision temp range design as most of the not-so-smart-pots do. I had some of this yogurt, just now and this full fat 1/2 & 1/2 + full fat cream was sumptuous! Do you refrigerate it at any point? It did not say in the recipe to add sugar. this would be a traditional 100W incandescent (Edison) bulb, which are getting hard to find. re: 1/2-cup serving size has more then 1000 times more CFU then what BioGaia recommends.. In the particular case of the two strains of Lactobacillus reuteri in Biogaia Gastrus, it appears that they do not colonize the human gut on an extended basis, which is why Biogaia has a product suitable for repeat sales, and why we are making yogurt from it on a regular basis. These strains may just be slower metabolizers. Robert Rominger wrote: In order to maintain the two strains on an extended basis, how often must the dosages of the L. reuteri yogurt be taken? Waiting for approval on Pandora, Apple Podcasts, and a few othersyes, its that new.). https://cuttingedgecultures.com/lr-superfood/, Making L. reuteri yogurt with coconut milk, I was wrong: Young people SHOULD obtain L. reuteri. Why arent we seeing any of the benefits? Thats actually a main goal of using any deliberate probiotic displacing adverse species and strains. All declined an invitation to taste. In fact, in my Undoctored book, I stated that SIBO was uncommon. For consumption: implying that you wouldnt use arbitrary blends as starter for future batches, for a number of reasons. Thanks again for your response. Straight from the maker the L. reuteri yogurt will be warm. After all, all of us have several strains of E. coli in our intestines that live quietly and dont bother anyone. And, if you join the discussions in our Undoctored Inner Circle website, you can add a number of other interesting fermentation projects that achieve effects such as shrinking your waist, deepening sleep, heightening your immune response, accelerating recovery after strenuous exercise, and reducing arthritis pain. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details), The talk is letting it sit in an oven with temps of 110 degrees. Cheese cloth is generally preferred. A 100 watt incandescent bulb will do that. I tried my first attempt yesterday using an Instant Pot yogurt function. ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). This prevents clumping of the prebiotic fiber. how prompt is the reaction? Bacillus coagulans and 1 qt. does it offer a pasteurization cycle? Because the process of heating made such a vast improvement, we wondered if cream was required at all? I presume thats their Whole Goat Milk, and not the powdered or evaporated. ________ Blog Associate (click for details). My first device for yogurt making, a not-so-smart pot with an under-documented, non-adjustable yogurt cycle, turned out to run at 110-115F, and that had to be confirmed with a separate probe thermometer. He is Medical Director and founder of the Undoctored program including the Undoctored Inner Circle. My yogurt maker instructions say 8-10 hours is good, with 12 hours being the most you would need. as this will cause too much separation into curds and whey. In the Wheat Belly / Undoctored program context, however, is doesnt very much matter, as the prebiotic is considered beneficial, and the small amount that might be left unfermented in a portion of yogurt would make no real contribution to the 20grams/day we deliberately endeavor to consume. We start with half-and-half with around 18% milk fat that yields a wonderful texture and mouthfeelno need to pre-heat. Then add the remaining liquid and stir. Condensation will have collected under the cover lid during fermentation. Which is why Ive opted to make a full cream/ 1/2&1/2 fat yogurt in the first place. I really need to dig up that paper on half-life, but my guess is that to maintain a gut population of these L.reuteri strains would require ingestion perhaps as often as every 4days. Heating and holding milk at 82 C (180 F) for 20 minutes (or longer) denatures the milk proteins so that they bind and set together. Should I have just taken 1/4 cup of this runny mushy goop and tried to make a whole new batch from that? Both samples produced equally thick yogurt. Dr. William Davis, DIY Healthcare: How To Get Off Statins 264K views5 years ago The Four Dangers of Stopping a Statin Drug 210K views3 years ago Secrets Hidden in Your Resting Heart Rate 136K. To ensure the yogurt stays abundant with the L. reuteri strains, and not a breeding ground for other, unwanted bacteria, we recommend starting a fresh mother batch after 4-5 re-inoculations. . . Add the inulin powderto the small bowl of milk andmix to form a slurry. It is possible they contribute to the unreliability / inconsistent results. I dont mind making expensive yogurts but if the home made yogurt doesnt work why bother? Because our experiments produced thick textured, tart tastingyogurt we are confident that bacterial fermentation occurred however, without clinical trials on the yogurt, accurate CFU counts are unknown. A coffee filter is apt to take way too long (or even clog & stop). Key Topics Discussed: THE QUANTITY OF L REUTERI BACTERIA AS A YOGURT STARTER, Dr Daviss recommends L. reuteri yogurt ferment for 30 to 36 hours. This time, I started over with 10 Bio Gaia tablets, used organic half and Inulin. I am experimenting with using a larger amount of milk pulled from the pasteurized mixture in a mug and then using a hand blender stuck down in the mug to forcefully dissolve the inulin/gastrus powder into the milk. Heres the system I use. But it could be something that you would never think has any relationship to the bowel flora in your GI tract. tablets crushed up. Mine comes out of the yougurt machine severely separated into curds and clear watery yellow whey. Despite the uncertainties, I am witnessing some very dramatic changes in the people following this idea. As we always do, the Luvele kitchenhas continued to experiment and we have now discovered a key step that makes all the difference. He is also author of the new Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor. Allowing it to cool in the cooker, or even just in air, might provide an opportunity for stray microbes to invade. Additionally, dont use any of the other grains. Related questions are: how many generations can be fermented from an initial batch? Is it a preference? When I began I used Whole Foods coconut milk but it had carrageenan in it which may be why the finished product was thin. of inulin in each batch. Ive been using between 24 and 36 hours, with some pulled off at 12 for use as future starter. Depending on themilk you used, your yogurt may have a thin layer of cream on top. Every week Dr. William Davis meets online LIVE through a video chat to educate, support, and empower you to achieve your health goals, answer questions, share experiences and new lessons. [options are 36, 38 or 40 C] One quart Organic Valley whole milk, pasteurized + homogenized. When you make a half gallon at a time do you add more than 10 probiotics? re: I will order through the US distributor and report back!, If you arent in the US, I dont actually know if they export. re: the Gastrus tablets then 10 crushed into a powder now becomes the starter culture for this special type of yogurt?, For the first batch, which probably needs to be one gallon or less (due to the relatively low CFU counts in these tablets). Commercial yogurts are usually loaded with residual sugars (not just lactose), and may or may not have live cultures by the time you consume them. Same species (E. coli), different strainsstrain specificity can be a critical factor. Did heat the milk firs.t and then used yogurt setting at normal temperature, which tests at about 105 degrees Would it hurt to go to low, which seems to be about 95 degrees? I dont know what effect that would have, if any. Frozen, sauces, any and all combinations, in any recipes, all brands. Weve been consuming both.. re: I assumed that it was due to cross contamination,. 1/2-cup serving size has more then 1000 times more CFU then what BioGaia recommends. Starting from tablets also has the challenge that its actually not all that many CFUs. Just ask the Doc. In Dr. Davis recipe there are three ingredients, prebiotic fiber starter tabs or 2 tablespoons of yogurt whey from previous batch in a quart of half-and-half or coconut milk. The key is to not let the mixture vary a lot, especially being careful to not exceed 110 by more than a couple/few degrees. Share your ideas, comments and photos at the end of this post :). Okayso its specifically the L. reuteri that needs the longer hours. If youre familiar with BioGaia Gastrus probiotic tablets, youll know how expensive they are! And yes, I take a long time to make sure all the Inulin/Gastrus is mixed thoroughly. Got it. If the settings are inaccurate, you can probably still use it. Have you validated that your incubator temps stays in the 95-105F (35-40.6C) range during the ferment? First batch was thin but I consumed it just fine usually a few tablespoons in the morning. At what point do stray environmental microbes spoil the culture? I just tasted it, it is fabulous. I use 8 crushed Biogaia Gastrus tablets in the initial batch, and then I use 2 crushed tablets added to 1/2 cup of the previous batch to start subsequent batches. Have We Discovered the Fountain of Youth? And this yogurt is so much richer and better tasting than products you buy in grocery stores. I am going to attempt making the yogurt today, I want to use my stove light the way you do it. When is the ideal time to separate the whey from the curds? Recall that we ferment for an extended period of time: 36 hours, not the 4 hours of conventional yogurt making. Want to boost the libido, sexual performance, and orgasmic inte. Don't worry. That wouldnt be my presumptive explanation here. I recall that Dr. Mercola had this done with some of his sauerkraut and the lab found that it contained 10 trillion CFUs per 4-6 ounces (if memory serves correctly). The rest was a semi-solid disk of small-curd cheese-like substance. The effects could be due to that, and/or the fact that yogurt making also results in exogenous production of strain metabolites. Ive made too much curds & whey for my liking. Yes, just one qt total base. It appears that its ultra-pasteurized and has VitaminD3 added. Before we go on, if youre new to all this, here is Dr William Davis sharing about the significant benefits of L reuteri. And it just requires one extra, but significant, step that has traditionally been used in yogurt making. From our feedback, this method produces reliable results. I am going to get some inulin. I sterilize my tools and follow the recipe to a T but its not working anymore for some reason. The first batch tends to be a bit thinner with curdles, but subsequent batches tend to be thicker and smoother. . Dont get too caught up on the precise temperature. And how do those readings compare to any you had before trying the yogurt? This hasnt been posted to the Blog that I recall. (I didnt save any of it.). Weve been consuming both. If my statement is correct.. which I am not sure if it is.. then isnt this a man made product from a lab and not the actual bacteria as it would occur in nature? Ocetosin tends to naturally slow down as you grow old and I am sure there is some reason for this, after all the human body is build smart but boosting this with reuteri as you age, will it cause any damage to organs. Ive found that with full fat cream and 1/2 & 1/2 I have successfully made yogurt. can I use the same technique but use an Instant Pot with the yogurt feature or a yogurt maker? Dr. Davis: It could be something as common as gas, excessive gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome. Neutrophil % low at 32.4 and Lymphocyte% high at 55.6.. Since Im about to try this, Id like to see whats to be learned here. Pro: it likely contains just as much probiotic and metabolite content as the yogurt. Ferment longer than 36 hours and the rate of microbial death begins to exceed the numbers obtained via doublings (likely due to competition for resources) and you can actually obtain, Do verify the temperature of whatever device you are using to maintain the fermenting temperature, as not all devices are accurate. Just as ingesting prebiotic fibers increases bacterial counts in your intestines, so it goes in making yogurt, as well. every 3 hours at 100 degrees F. Fermenting for 36 hours therefore permits 12 doublings, rather than the single doubling permitted by brief conventional fermentation. Such a response is a presumptive test for SIBO: The Prebiotic Fiber Test An adverse response says almost nothing about any given prebiotic fiber. Is there reduction in bacterial counts or contamination by air organisms as you make yogurt from prior batches? ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Erika wrote: How long is it safe to keep the yogurt in the fridge to eat?. Greek yogurt because the whey contains the good bacteria. Then put the goat milk mixture in yogurt jars into yogurt maker for 8 hrs. No one really wants to eat thin and separated yogurt, do they? The product was about 10% yogurt and 90% liquid. Aquick look turned up nothing in connection with the Biogaia Gastrus product perse. then bring it down to 110, stir in the The Biogaia Gastrus tablets and inuline then put the pot in the oven with the light turn on an just let it go for 24h? Even it I dont have the winning solution yet, I can take the inulin. The yogurt I've made now embraces what Dr Jason Fung has been preaching that eating fat does not make one fat. I dont if there are any rules for this, but I have made a few batches that were a little over a gallon. Thank you dr. Davis for clarifying that confusion for me. Therefore, this it really a food hacking exercise that can result in inconsistent outcomes. Ive been discussing this idea of making yogurt by starting with a specific strain of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 6475, based on the detailed studies conducted at MIT and elsewhere, both experimental animal and human, that have suggested dramatic effects. What brand and model? Problem: There are only 100 million CFUs (live organisms) per tablet. The Inner Circle site recipe has changed several times, and is presently using a common coconut milk base with [non-hydrolyzed] guargum and specific preparation (requiring a stick blender). that does not heat the milk. Is it normal for homemade yogurt to smell so bad when first made? Their product is called Gastrus and combines the ATCC PTA 6475 strain with the DSM 17938 strain. I am following the Listen to Your Gut protocol and it warns not to consume prebiotic fiber if you have intestinal issues like mine. CFU amplification is the leading explanation for the generational capability. Thanks for your reply. Here is some of it sliced on a plate just to illustrate the consistency. This yields a thicker Greek-style yogurt. He uses 1 Tbls of inulin. 2. No one really wants to eat thin and separated yogurt, do they? Once opened, they are considered safe to consume for one to two weeks, with some degradation in sensory quality after the first week. A typical not-too-fine mesh strainer might also suffice. Dr.Davis keeps an eye on the matter, for example: Have We Discovered the Fountain of Youth? Does anyone know of the side effects with such a high amount of L. reuteri CFU in the yogurt ? ________ Blog Associate (click my user name for details). Depending on the device, when doing cold-start, checking for fatal warm-up hot spots is also worth a ponder, etc. Ive been using 24-36 for dairy-based Gastrus yogurt. I only let it go 1 day and the taste was actually stronger although it was still rather thin. I do my best to just avoid it. ________ Blog Associate (click for details). In any case a reaction, to the yogurt under discussion above, probably wouldnt be a yogurt allergy per se. re: then used yogurt setting at normal temperature, which tests at about 105 degrees Would it hurt to go to low, which seems to be about 95 degrees?. re: I am following the Listen to Your Gut protocol and it warns not to consume prebiotic fiber if you have intestinal issues like mine.. If almost any of the MIT rodent results present in humans, its a pretty dramatic development. The WB / Undoctored program also advises avoidance of prebiotic fiber with unresolved SIBO. Or they dont understand what we are trying to achieve here, even believing that the benefits we seek can be achieved with conventional yogurtno, not even close. There are several reasons why anyone might be avoiding dairy, which is why the coconut milk versions of the recipes have been in development. Thats probably a fine starter for a practice run.